We have extensive experience in all aspects of trademark protection:

  • we advise on the choice of a designation
  • we carry out searches concerning trademark registrability in Poland and abroad
  • we file trademark applications in the Polish Patent Office, EUIPO and WIPO
  • we supervise registration proceedings abroad
  • we conduct contentious matters (on appeal, expiration, invalidation)
  • we handle infringement cases, including civil and criminal proceedings
  • we prepare transactions, including license and sale agreements
  • we monitor trademark databases and market against violations
  • we conduct due diligence

Selected projects:

A fuel industry company

Comprehensive portfolio management of trademarks in Poland and in foreign markets

Clothing company

Comprehensive advice on choosing names for new clothing brands

Manufacturer of car accessories

Dispute in administrative and civil proceedings for a trademark being the shape of the commodity

A fuel industry company

Court dispute about the protection of the colours of a petrol station


Negotiating a license agreement for trademarks between a foreign bank and a subsidiary in Poland

Clothing company

Development and implementation of a trademark licensing model in a capital group including many subsidiaries



We have extensive experience in all aspects of getting and protection of patents:

  • we validate European patents in Poland
  • we advise on choosing a protection model
  • we carry out research on patentability and patent clearance in Poland and abroad
  • we apply inventions for protection in Poland, Europe and in the international system (PCT)
  • we supervise application procedures abroad
  • we conduct litigations before registration bodies (on opposition, invalidation)
  • we carry out disputes about patent infringement
  • we prepare opinions regarding the scope of patent protection
  • we carry out transactions and due diligence, the subject of which are patents and rights to inventions as well as their implementation in an enterprise

Selected projects:

A manufacturer of wood wares

Proceedings for invalidation of a patent regarding the method of door production

A manufacturer of ventilation devices

Reporting and obtaining a series of inventions along with supervision of proceedings in a number of countries around the world

A manufacturer of biomass

Carrying out a transfer of rights from an invention (technology) application along with its implementation in an enterprise

A manufacturer from the food industry

Applying the invention for protection and conducting the invention licensing transaction for entrepreneurs from Iran

A manufacturer of cardboard packaging

Advising on a patent dispute, including negotiations

EU subsidies

Preparation of a series of applications for inventions for manufacturers applying for subsidy (consulting on work on inventions)



We have extensive experience in obtaining and enforcing protection of rights from utility and industrial designs, including:

  • we advise on choosing a protection model
  • we carry out research on clearance of utility and industrial designs in Poland and abroad
  • we apply utility designs in Poland and in the PCT system for protection
  • we obtain registration of industrial designs in Poland, EU and other countries
  • we carry out litigations for invalidation of utility design rights before the Polish Patent Office and industrial ones before the Polish Patent Office and EUIPO
  • we supervise foreign disputes and court proceedings
  • we carry out transactions concerning rights to utility and industrial designs

Selected projects:

A jewellery manufacturer

Obtaining a series of industrial designs for jewellery

An air conditioning manufacturer

Obtaining a series of rights to local industrial models for the appearance of devices in China

A door manufacturer

Revocation of the industrial design depicting the door

A manufacturer of clothing

Dispute regarding an infringement of an unregistered community design

A manufacturer of toys

Civil disputes about infringement of industrial designs in the shape of a figurine

A manufacturer of window woodworking

Preparing of a comprehensive opinion on the violation of utility model rights and participation in the case as an expert



We offer a wide range of services in the field of copyright and related rights, in particular:

  • we advise at the stage of creating works, preparing protection strategies for creators
  • we prepare opinions and analyses in the field of copyright and related rights
  • we help in the cases of infringements of copyright on both sides of conflicts, including cases of copyright infringement on the Internet
  • we represent clients before common courts, arbitral tribunals, and we conduct negotiations
  • we prepare and opine on contracts, in particular regarding the transfer of property copyright and licensing
  • we conduct due diligence projects

Selected projects:

A manufacturer of clothing

Contracts for creating a clothing collection with a use of an image of a known person

A manufacturer of pharmaceuticals

The dispute over a shape of a medical device being a work

A manufacturer of toys

Market monitoring and negotiation of agreements regarding copyright infringement related to packaging and toy series

A manufacturer of clothing

Civil proceedings regarding infringement of clothing designs

A developer and distributor of computer games

Due diligence project of portfolio of computer games; preparing the company to enter the stock exchange

A manufacturer of clothing

A dispute over copyright infringement for a photo used as a print



We deal with all aspects of the law of combating unfair competition, preparing legal analyses, assessing the legal risks of new ventures, particularly advertising campaigns, conducting disputes about violation of the principles of fair competition, in terms of, including:

  • misleading designations
  • reputation of a company
  • external appearance of a product
  • misleading packaging
  • trade secrets
  • unfair advertising
  • dissemination of false information

Selected projects:

A company from the FMCG sector

Representing the client in a dispute about misleading advertising

A manufacturer of alcohols

Court dispute about the so-called look alike product, i.e. the similarity of packaging and markings used on the product

An international construction consortium

Preparation of privacy policy and strategies for protection of business secrets for a group of companies

An online store offering home furnishings

The dispute over the use of know-how and business logos

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Court dispute about the product name

Toy manufacturer

Court dispute about the appearance of the packaging of the toy set



We provide legal assistance related to internet domains, in particular:

  • we investigate new domain names to determine possible conflicts with registered trademarks
  • we prepare opinions and analyses regarding domain conflicts and other subjective rights
  • we register domain names as trademarks
  • we prepare warning letters regarding domain violations, as well as defend our clients against claims
  • we carry out negotiations and mediations in order to amicably resolve disputes
  • we represent clients in proceedings before the Court of Arbitration for Internet Domains at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (.pl), as well as before the Court of Arbitration in Prague (.eu) and the Office before WIPO in Geneva (.com)

Selected projects:

A postal service provider

Reclaiming an Internet domain registered by a natural person in civil proceedings

A bank

Negotiating license agreements for a number of Internet domains

A manufacturer of perfumes

The dispute over trademark infringement, among others, by using in the internet domain

A manufacturer of clothing

Transaction of transfer of internet domains from foreign entities to the client

A bank

Agreements for the transfer of a number of internet domains

A manufacturer of clothing

Representation and conclusion of a settlement in a dispute over a domain obtained in bad faith 



We have extensive experience in representing clients in disputes regarding all specializations of our Law Firm, primarily in the field of intellectual property and medical law. We support clients at all stages of the dispute, by:

  • monitoring market to identify infringements
  • assessing chances of success in a dispute and preparing the strategy of litigation
  • conducting negotiations and mediations in order to resolve a matter amicably
  • preparing evidence and legal argumentation before initiating proceedings
  • filing motions for interim injunction and claims for providing information
  • representing clients before civil, criminal, and administrative courts of all instances

Selected projects:

A toy manufacturer

A permanent order to monitor the market, sending so-called warning letters and negotiating settlements with sellers of counterfeit toys

A bank

Proceedings for invalidation of a trademark in the financial sector before the Polish Patent Office, and then in administrative courts

A manufacturer of sports clothing and accessories

Civil disputes about violation of rights to graphic trademarks used on shoes

A manufacturer from the construction industry

Representing the client in a series of civil disputes regarding infringement of author’s economic and personal rights of the architect, the creator of the housing estate plan

A distributor of automotive parts

Civil disputes for infringement of rights under the Community design in the field of substitutes covered by the repair clause



We support our clients in a wide range of matters related to running a business:

  • we advise on choosing the form of conducting business
  • we establish and transform commercial law companies
  • we provide regular corporate services
  • we prepare opinions on contract drafts
  • we offer ongoing support in case of problems arising in the course of business activity
  • we carry out trade negotiations
  • we advise and supervise the opening of companies or other legal entities in foreign jurisdictions
  • we offer comprehensive support in the implementation of investment projects
  • we conduct due diligence
  • we carry out litigations

Selected projects:

A manufacturer of clothing

Comprehensive service for the investment process of expanding one of the largest distribution centres in the country

A manufacturer of clothing

Comprehensive legal services for the construction of a franchise network in the Middle East

A company from the energy sector

Participation in due diligence related to the introduction of the company to the stock exchange

A company from the logistics sector

Conducting the process of reorganizing and transforming a capital company

A company from the cosmetics sector

Comprehensive legal support for the construction of an e-commerce solution with the creation of all necessary legal documentation, vital for conducting business activity

A company from the food industry

Judicial representation of the client in a dispute about the transition to the purchaser of the preference of shares (the relation of rights acquired under Commercial Code to settle the Code of Commercial Companies)



We offer support to entities from the following industries: medical, pharmaceutical, FMCG, and cosmetics:

  • we advise on the marketing of products (medical devices, dietary supplements, cosmetics, including their correct qualifications)
  • we carry out administrative proceedings before relevant authorities (including Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate – GIF, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate – GIS, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products – URPL)
  • we advise medical market entities in their operations
  • we advise on the compliance of advertising with the law
  • we carry out transactions of entities from the pharmaceutical market
  • we prepare internal documents related to the operation of the entities to which services are rendered
  • we provide services to industry associations of manufacturers
  • we represent clients in court and out-of-court disputes

Selected projects:

A pharmaceutical market entity

Carrying out a transaction to reorganize the operation of more than a dozen of pharmacies to match the changes of legal provisions

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Comprehensive consultancy regarding the model of protection for established products and patent application for a series of inventions, industrial designs for packaging

A manufacturer of cosmetics

Opinion on a proper legal qualification of a series of cosmetic products

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Opinion on the infringement of the trademark rights of a known medicinal product

Trade association of manufacturers of plant protection products

Legal support in issues related to the association’s activities, including trainings

A distributor of cosmetic products

Representation in proceedings before the Chief Sanitary Inspector regarding the qualifications of products and the possibility of introducing them to the market



We support clients from various sectors related to the IT industry and widely understood innovations:

  • by preparing documentation for the provision of e-commerce services
  • by preparing construction contracts and implementation contracts in the field of IT solutions
  • supporting start-up projects at subsequent stages of development
  • supporting universities and research and development units, and scientific consortia
  • conducting disputes regarding IT issues

Selected projects:

A clothing company

Negotiating a contract for the development and implementation of an IT service system for a logistics centre

A technology provider to handle loyalty programs

Preparation of a package of agreements regarding software licenses and know-how

A clothing company

Negotiating a contract for the construction and implementation of a comprehensive e-commerce solution operating in Poland and in foreign markets

A company from the energy sector

Participation in the project of negotiating conditions and creating a comprehensive customer service system



We have extensive experience in advising clients in the media industry, as well as in cases concerning infringement of personal rights, including:

  • advising on marketing campaigns and photo sessions
  • by negotiating advertising spaces with owners, negotiating with model agencies  
  • preparing agreements in the field of copyright (transferring rights, licensing)  
  • advising on the protection strategies of works and other intangible assets
  • carrying out disputes about the protection of personal rights, including image

Selected projects:

Commercial use of images of famous figures

Preparing a series of contracts for the commercial use of the image by the manufacturer from the FMCG industry, and designing and branding the name and image of the clothing collection

Privacy of a wealthy person

The dispute over the publication of an image of a wealthy person without his/her consent

Violation of personal rights of a company and members of management board

The dispute resulted from placing critical information on the internet blog

Dentist office

Agreements regarding participation in an advertising film and film realization

Well-known artist
Contracts for commercial use of the image and other personal rights



We provide comprehensive legal services in the data protection field, in particular:

  • audit of documentation and procedures for processing personal data used by clients concerning the requirements of the GDPR
  • identification of categories of data processed by clients and creation of personal data protection documentation consistent with the GDPR, including privacy policy, personal data protection policy, consent clauses and information, incident response procedures
  • adaptation of procedures and existing customer documentation to the GDPR
  • employee training in the processing of personal data, in line with the GDPR
  • representation of clients in proceedings before the President of Personal Data Protection Office in the registration of databases of personal data and information security administrators and in the case of control.

Selected projects:

A company from the construction industry

Representing a client before the Personal Data Protection Office in the infringement proceedings

Business entities from various industries

Implementation projects of the GDPR regulations 

An entity running a rehabilitation centre

Development of comprehensive regulations regarding the processing of personal data taking into account the specificity of sensitive medical data

A company from the IT sector

Training in the field of GDPR for IT projects

A company from the medical sector

Permanent consultations in the scope of the GDPR concerning the conducted activity

A company from the construction industry

Carrying out audit of personal data protection in the company along with the definition of a recovery plan




We have extensive experience in all aspects of trademark protection:


  • we advise on the choice of a designation
  • we carry out searches concerning trademark registrability in Poland and abroad
  • we file trademark applications in the Polish Patent Office, EUIPO and WIPO
  • we supervise registration proceedings abroad
  • we conduct contentious matters (on appeal, expiration, invalidation)
  • we handle infringement cases, including civil and criminal proceedings
  • we prepare transactions, including license and sale agreements
  • we monitor trademark databases and market against violations
  • we conduct due diligence


Selected projects:

A fuel industry company

Comprehensive portfolio management of trademarks in Poland and in foreign markets

Clothing company

Comprehensive advice on choosing names for new clothing brands

Manufacturer of car accessories

Dispute in administrative and civil proceedings for a trademark being the shape of the commodity

A fuel industry company

Court dispute about the protection of the colours of a petrol station


Negotiating a license agreement for trademarks between a foreign bank and a subsidiary in Poland

Clothing company

Development and implementation of a trademark licensing model in a capital group including many subsidiaries

Patents / Validations

We have extensive experience in all aspects of getting and protection of patents:

  • we validate European patents in Poland
  • we advise on choosing a protection model
  • we carry out research on patentability and patent clearance in Poland and abroad
  • we apply inventions for protection in Poland, Europe and in the international system (PCT)
  • we supervise application procedures abroad
  • we conduct litigations before registration bodies (on opposition, invalidation)
  • we carry out disputes about patent infringement
  • we prepare opinions regarding the scope of patent protection
  • we carry out transactions and due diligence, the subject of which are patents and rights to inventions as well as their implementation in an enterprise

Selected projects:

A manufacturer of wood wares

Proceedings for invalidation of a patent regarding the method of door production

A manufacturer of ventilation devices

Reporting and obtaining a series of inventions along with supervision of proceedings in a number of countries around the world

A manufacturer of biomass

Carrying out a transfer of rights from an invention (technology) application along with its implementation in an enterprise

A manufacturer from the food industry

Applying the invention for protection and conducting the invention licensing transaction for entrepreneurs from Iran

A manufacturer of cardboard packaging

Advising on a patent dispute, including negotiations

EU subsidies

Preparation of a series of applications for inventions for manufacturers applying for subsidy (consulting on work on inventions)

Industrial and utility designs

We have extensive experience in obtaining and enforcing protection of rights from utility and industrial designs, including:

  • we advise on choosing a protection model
  • we carry out research on clearance of utility and industrial designs in Poland and abroad
  • we apply utility designs in Poland and in the PCT system for protection
  • we obtain registration of industrial designs in Poland, EU and other countries
  • we carry out litigations for invalidation of utility design rights before the Polish Patent Office and industrial ones before the Polish Patent Office and EUIPO
  • we supervise foreign disputes and court proceedings
  • we carry out transactions concerning rights to utility and industrial designs

Selected projects:

A jewellery manufacturer

Obtaining a series of industrial designs for jewellery

An air conditioning manufacturer

Obtaining a series of rights to local industrial models for the appearance of devices in China

A door manufacturer

Revocation of the industrial design depicting the door

A manufacturer of clothing

Dispute regarding an infringement of an unregistered community design

A manufacturer of toys

Civil disputes about infringement of industrial designs in the shape of a figurine

A manufacturer of window woodworking

Preparing of a comprehensive opinion on the violation of utility model rights and participation in the case as an expert


We offer a wide range of services in the field of copyright and related rights, in particular:

  • we advise at the stage of creating works, preparing protection strategies for creators
  • we prepare opinions and analyses in the field of copyright and related rights
  • we help in the cases of infringements of copyright on both sides of conflicts, including cases of copyright infringement on the Internet
  • we represent clients before common courts, arbitral tribunals, and we conduct negotiations
  • we prepare and opine on contracts, in particular regarding the transfer of property copyright and licensing
  • we conduct due diligence projects

Selected projects:

A manufacturer of clothing

Contracts for creating a clothing collection with a use of an image of a known person

A manufacturer of pharmaceuticals

The dispute over a shape of a medical device being a work

A manufacturer of toys

Market monitoring and negotiation of agreements regarding copyright infringement related to packaging and toy series

A manufacturer of clothing

Civil proceedings regarding infringement of clothing designs

A developer and distributor of computer games

Due diligence project of portfolio of computer games; preparing the company to enter the stock exchange

A manufacturer of clothing

A dispute over copyright infringement for a photo used as a print

Unfair competition

We deal with all aspects of the law of combating unfair competition, preparing legal analyses, assessing the legal risks of new ventures, particularly advertising campaigns, conducting disputes about violation of the principles of fair competition, in terms of, including:

  • misleading designations
  • reputation of a company
  • external appearance of a product
  • misleading packaging
  • trade secrets
  • unfair advertising
  • dissemination of false information

Selected projects:

A company from the FMCG sector

Representing the client in a dispute about misleading advertising

A manufacturer of alcohols

Court dispute about the so-called look alike product, i.e. the similarity of packaging and markings used on the product

An international construction consortium

Preparation of privacy policy and strategies for protection of business secrets for a group of companies

An online store offering home furnishings

The dispute over the use of know-how and business logos

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Court dispute about the product name

Toy manufacturer

Court dispute about the appearance of the packaging of the toy set

Internet domains

We provide legal assistance related to internet domains, in particular:

  • we investigate new domain names to determine possible conflicts with registered trademarks
  • we prepare opinions and analyses regarding domain conflicts and other subjective rights
  • we register domain names as trademarks
  • we prepare warning letters regarding domain violations, as well as defend our clients against claims
  • we carry out negotiations and mediations in order to amicably resolve disputes
  • we represent clients in proceedings before the Court of Arbitration for Internet Domains at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (.pl), as well as before the Court of Arbitration in Prague (.eu) and the Office before WIPO in Geneva (.com)

Selected projects:

A postal service provider

Reclaiming an Internet domain registered by a natural person in civil proceedings

A bank

Negotiating license agreements for a number of Internet domains

A manufacturer of perfumes

The dispute over trademark infringement, among others, by using in the internet domain

A manufacturer of clothing

Transaction of transfer of internet domains from foreign entities to the client

A bank

Agreements for the transfer of a number of internet domains

A manufacturer of clothing

Representation and conclusion of a settlement in a dispute over a domain obtained in bad faith 


We have extensive experience in representing clients in disputes regarding all specializations of our Law Firm, primarily in the field of intellectual property and medical law. 
We support clients at all stages of the dispute, by:

  • monitoring market to identify infringements
  • assessing chances of success in a dispute and preparing the strategy of litigation
  • conducting negotiations and mediations in order to resolve a matter amicably
  • preparing evidence and legal argumentation before initiating proceedings
  • filing motions for interim injunction and claims for providing information
  • representing clients before civil, criminal, and administrative courts of all instances

Selected projects:

A toy manufacturer

A permanent order to monitor the market, sending so-called warning letters and negotiating settlements with sellers of counterfeit toys

A bank

Proceedings for invalidation of a trademark in the financial sector before the Polish Patent Office, and then in administrative courts

A manufacturer of sports clothing and accessories

Civil disputes about violation of rights to graphic trademarks used on shoes

A manufacturer from the construction industry

Representing the client in a series of civil disputes regarding infringement of author’s economic and personal rights of the architect, the creator of the housing estate plan

A distributor of automotive parts

Civil disputes for infringement of rights under the Community design in the field of substitutes covered by the repair clause

Corporate law

We support our clients in a wide range of matters related to running a business:


  • we advise on choosing the form of conducting business
  • we establish and transform commercial law companies
  • we provide regular corporate services
  • we prepare opinions on contract drafts
  • we offer ongoing support in case of problems arising in the course of business activity
  • we carry out trade negotiations
  • we advise and supervise the opening of companies or other legal entities in foreign jurisdictions
  • we offer comprehensive support in the implementation of investment projects
  • we conduct due diligence
  • we carry out litigations



Selected projects:

A manufacturer of clothing

Comprehensive service for the investment process of expanding one of the largest distribution centres in the country

A manufacturer of clothing

Comprehensive legal services for the construction of a franchise network in the Middle East

A company from the energy sector

Participation in due diligence related to the introduction of the company to the stock exchange

A company from the logistics sector

Conducting the process of reorganizing and transforming a capital company

A company from the cosmetics sector

Comprehensive legal support for the construction of an e-commerce solution with the creation of all necessary legal documentation, vital for conducting business activity

A company from the food industry

Judicial representation of the client in a dispute about the transition to the purchaser of the preference of shares (the relation of rights acquired under Commercial Code to settle the Code of Commercial Companies)

Life science

We offer support to entities from the following industries: medical, pharmaceutical, FMCG, and cosmetics:

  • we advise on the marketing of products (medical devices, dietary supplements, cosmetics, including their correct qualifications)
  • we carry out administrative proceedings before relevant authorities (including Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate – GIF, Chief Sanitary Inspectorate – GIS, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products – URPL)
  • we advise medical market entities in their operations
  • we advise on the compliance of advertising with the law
  • we carry out transactions of entities from the pharmaceutical market
  • we prepare internal documents related to the operation of the entities to which services are rendered
  • we provide services to industry associations of manufacturers
  • we represent clients in court and out-of-court disputes

Selected projects:

A pharmaceutical market entity

Carrying out a transaction to reorganize the operation of more than a dozen of pharmacies to match the changes of legal provisions

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Comprehensive consultancy regarding the model of protection for established products and patent application for a series of inventions, industrial designs for packaging

A manufacturer of cosmetics

Opinion on a proper legal qualification of a series of cosmetic products

A manufacturer of dietary supplements

Opinion on the infringement of the trademark rights of a known medicinal product

Trade association of manufacturers of plant protection products

Legal support in issues related to the association’s activities, including trainings

A distributor of cosmetic products

Representation in proceedings before the Chief Sanitary Inspector regarding the qualifications of products and the possibility of introducing them to the market


We support clients from various sectors related to the IT industry and widely understood innovations:

  • by preparing documentation for the provision of e-commerce services
  • by preparing construction contracts and implementation contracts in the field of IT solutions
  • supporting start-up projects at subsequent stages of development
  • supporting universities and research and development units, and scientific consortia
  • conducting disputes regarding IT issues

Selected projects:

A clothing company

Negotiating a contract for the development and implementation of an IT service system for a logistics centre

A technology provider to handle loyalty programs

Preparation of a package of agreements regarding software licenses and know-how

A clothing company

Negotiating a contract for the construction and implementation of a comprehensive e-commerce solution operating in Poland and in foreign markets

A company from the energy sector

Participation in the project of negotiating conditions and creating a comprehensive customer service system

Media, advertising, personal rights

We have extensive experience in advising clients in the media industry, as well as in cases concerning infringement of personal rights, including:

  • advising on marketing campaigns and photo sessions
  • by negotiating advertising spaces with owners, negotiating with model agencies  
  • preparing agreements in the field of copyright (transferring rights, licensing)  
  • advising on the protection strategies of works and other intangible assets
  • carrying out disputes about the protection of personal rights, including image

Selected projects:

Commercial use of images of famous figures

Preparing a series of contracts for the commercial use of the image by the manufacturer from the FMCG industry, and designing and branding the name and image of the clothing collection

Privacy of a wealthy person

The dispute over the publication of an image of a wealthy person without his/her consent

Violation of personal rights of a company and members of management board 

The dispute resulted from placing critical information on the internet blog

Dentist office

Agreements regarding participation in an advertising film and film realization

Well-known artist
Contracts for commercial use of the image and other personal rights

Data protection

We provide comprehensive legal services in the data protection field, in particular:

– audit of documentation and procedures for processing personal data used by clients concerning the requirements of the GDPR
– identification of categories of data processed by clients and creation of personal data protection documentation consistent with the GDPR, including privacy policy, personal data protection policy, consent clauses and information, incident response procedures
– adaptation of procedures and existing customer documentation to the GDPR
– employee training in the processing of personal data, in line with the GDPR
– representation of clients in proceedings before the President of Personal Data Protection Office in the registration of databases of personal data and information security administrators and in the case of control.

Selected projects:

A company from the construction industry

Representing a client before the Personal Data Protection Office in the infringement proceedings

Business entities from various industries

Implementation projects of the GDPR regulations 

An entity running a rehabilitation centre

Development of comprehensive regulations regarding the processing of personal data taking into account the specificity of sensitive medical data

A company from the IT sector

Training in the field of GDPR for IT projects

A company from the medical sector

Permanent consultations in the scope of the GDPR concerning the conducted activity

A company from the construction industry

Carrying out audit of personal data protection in the company along with the definition of a recovery plan


We invite you to contact us


Sobieszyńska St., no. 35
00-764 Warsaw
tel. +48 664 948 372

Contact form

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