The recipient of the advertisement is (not always) a reasonable and critical customer more

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, no. 55, 19.03.2019

The Baseline of trade secrets litigation in the EU Member States more

Author: M. Żuraw (współautor) [in:] EUIPO 2018

Sponsoring in sport – the method to promote a community more

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rzeczpospolita, 6.09.2016

The dress does not make the man

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Świat zabawek, n0. 2-3/2016

Safe electronics

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Świat zabawek, no. 2-3/2016

Toys under the magnifying glass of the legislator

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Świat Zabawek, no. 1/2016

When a shape may be a trade mark more

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rzeczpospolita, 21.11.2015

A trade mark – what may prejudice its registration more

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rzeczpospolita, 30.10.2015

What is the aim of trade mark registration

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rzeczpospolita, 7.10.2015

Why is it beneficial to have a recognisable sign more

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rzeczpospolita, 30.09.2015

Trademarking the shape of a product

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rocznik Kancelarii Wardyński i Wspólnicy, 2015

Current challenges in trademark disputes

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rocznik Kancelarii Wardyński i Wspólnicy, 2014

Infringement on the docket: whether to seek protection of intellectual property rights before the Polish court

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Rocznik Kancelarii Wardyński i Wspólnicy, 2013

Does an entity filling cans with drink infringe a trade mark right?

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] A commentary on CJ EU judgment dated 15 December 2012 r., case no. C-119/10, Glosa 2012, No. 4, pp. 69−78

Trade mark as a subject of protection – remarks on the use of a designation ‘as a trade mark’

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Studia Iuridica, t. 52, str. 165-180, Warszawa 2010

Functions of trademarks in jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Zeszyty Prawnicze UKSW 2007, no. 7.2., str. 105-145

Collisions of protection right to a trade mark and a non-registered designation of a product

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] PIPWI UJ 2006, z. 95, str. 167−219

Protection of trademarks used on the Internet in Poland (civil measures)

Author: M. Żuraw [in:] Mobile Technology for European Integration and Growth, 2005, str. 146−151


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