utworzone przez Maja Balcerzak | 4, 10 , 2023 | EN, News EN
Jurisdiction over a distribution agreement between infringers from different EU member states On 7 September 2023, the CJEU ruled in Case C-832/21 on a motion for a preliminary ruling under Article 267 of the Treaty on European Union filed by Oberlandesgericht...
utworzone przez Maja Balcerzak | 20, 09 , 2023 | EN, News EN
When is it appropriate to declare bad faith? A case study from the poultry market in Poland On September 6, 2023, the EU General Court ruled in Case T-312/22 concerning the RED BRAND CHICKEN trademark (EUTM 13 068 861) and invalidated EUIPO’s decision that the...
utworzone przez Maja Balcerzak | 1, 06 , 2023 | EN, News EN
Copyright and satellite television The provider of satellite television broadcasting services must obtain permission from copyright holders to distribute works. The problem arises when the provider of such services is based in a different country from the recipients...
utworzone przez Maja Balcerzak | 27, 04 , 2023 | EN, News EN
About music on public transport in the context of EU law There is no doubt that travelling with the accompanying sound of music is more enjoyable than travelling in silence. However, one should keep in mind that dissemination of musical works on public transport...
utworzone przez Maja Balcerzak | 23, 03 , 2023 | EN, News EN
CJEU declares provision on compensation for infringement of plant variety rights invalid By judgment of 16 March 2023 (ref. C-522/21), the CJEU declared invalid Article 18(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1768/95 of 24 July 1995 establishing implementing rules on...