Legal Disputes over AI

Legal Disputes over AI

Legal Disputes over AI As we have indicated, in the current state of law, as a rule, works created with the use of AI will not constitute works within the meaning of copyright law. Meanwhile, their creation may often lead to infringement of third-party copyrights. 1....
Jurisdiction over a distribution agreement between infringers from different EU member states

Copyright and satellite television

Copyright and satellite television The provider of satellite television broadcasting services must obtain permission from copyright holders to distribute works. The problem arises when the provider of such services is based in a different country from the recipients...
Can medicines be repackaged into new packaging?

Can medicines be repackaged into new packaging?

Can medicines be repackaged into new packaging?   In Case C-224/20, the CJEU addressed the issue of repackaging medicines into new packaging. Proceedings of the national court: The Claimants are pharmaceutical manufacturers and the Defendants are parallel traders...
Jurisdiction over a distribution agreement between infringers from different EU member states

Directive 93/83/EEC and cable broadcasting

Directive 93/83/EEC and cable broadcasting By judgment of 8 September 2022 (ref. C-716/20), the CJEU ruled that Article 1(3) of Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993 on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright...